- Bonsai Japanese Maple: The art of bonsai begins with a tree! This appealing germination kit gives the bonsai enthusiast everything needed to start a tree from the very beginning — from seed.
- Giant Sequoia: Everything you need to germinate and grow the world's largest tree! Giant Sequoias are hardy enough to grow well in virtually any climate and are loved and cultivated throughout the world.
- Coast Redwood: This 100% guaranteed grow kit gives you everything you need to grow the world's tallest tree from seed! Reaching heights greater than 365 feet, the magnificent Coast Redwood is not only the planet's tallest tree but also one of the most long-lived, with a lifespan of more than 2,000 years.
- Whitebark Pine: The Whitebark Pine inhabits high mountain realms well beyond the limits of other tree species. But it is not only a great survivor; it’s a great provider – a foundational species in ten states and two Canadian provinces that provides food and shelter for countless high country birds and animals, from mountain goats to grizzly bears.
- Sunflowers: Few things evoke the beauty and brightness of summertime better than these sunny giants! Sunflowers are delightful and versatile, growing quickly and giving a brilliant splash of color in a remarkably short time. Here's everything you need to grow a whole patch.
- Venus Fly Trap: The coolest and best Venus Flytrap kit in the world! These seed germination grow kits will capture the imagination and tickle the funny bone, giving you the opportunity to grow the fly-eating and much-fabled Dionaea muscipula, one of America's most unusual and rare native plants.
- Pollinator's Delight: Designed to delight! The wildflower species included in this grow kit are specifically selected to support, sustain, and delight the pollinators in your yard, garden, and community! This kit includes detailed growing tips, flower descriptions, and enough seed to plant a beautiful habitat for a wide variety of flashy pollinators!